    [ Created: 2020-12-16 15:57:36  Updated: 2020-12-17 10:24:55   Owner: rl ]
Title: How should we Pray for Joe Biden    

The following is my response to a Franklin Graham post encouraging Christians to Pray for the Biden presidency.

Biden cannot and will not be confirmed as president of the USA.

Remember, it was Christians who rebelled against Great Britain and it was Christians that fought and died against ForeignEnemy attacks.

Biden represents a party that is nothing more than a DomesticEnemy of the USA as defined by the Constitution and our Heritage of Faith.
I defy anybody to dispute that fact for the following reasons.

They have been taxing, regulating and violating God-given rights to a much greater degree than Great Britain did to the colonies.
They are lying, deceiving, cheating, perverted enemies of God.
They have been deceived by Satan and are now under the influence of the spirit of Antichrist.

They will shut down Christianity through expanded HateCrime legislation.
They will garnish all 401ks, all property all wealth from individuals in order to TRY to pay for the freebies they have promised.
They have divided the nation using IdentityPolitics.
They have elevated the consciousness of Race and thereby escalated Racism.
They have supported Lawlessness in the cities.

They have supported Lawlessness in our Government institutions.
They have corrupted our Education institutions.
They have manipulated the Media into a Propaganda PolicyMachine.
They have aligned with TechTyrants to make Government the vehicle by which Globalist ambitions are realized.
They will open the borders and we will see crime throughout the land as in the inner cities.

They designed and implemented the mail-in voter systems for the express purpose of winning elections by Fraud. They used foreign developed voting machines that have not been validated using American systems development protocols. By doing so they enabled Fraud. They ShutDown the country to destroy our economy hoping that it would result in a landslide for Democratic candidates.
They fabricated a Pandemic in order to use Fear to Manipulate the population.
They intend for a NewNormal to be established where all Americans are nothing more than slaves to their Socialist system.

They borrowed money against our future to send it out in the name of stimulus
They encouraged dependency on Government by killing businesses and giving money to the unemployed
They will allow the USA to be absorbed into the One World Government that will be turned over to the Beast (Antichrist) of Revelation.

For these and many other reasons Biden cannot be allowed to take office.

So, not only will Biden not take office. He and others in the DemocraticParty will be brought to Justice for their crimes against the people and our Constitutional Republic.

" The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing. " ― Edmund Burke

Good men have been nothing (giving Place to the Devil) for some time. That time of Tolerance while he moved in to take over is finished.

My Prayer is that the Constitutional process will play out to invalidate the Fraud and continue the Trump presidency.
When that happens the Trump supporters who see the Evil that attacked him for 4 years will join him in a major overhaul of our institutions that have been corrupted and are currently filled with vermin.

Note: 95% of the voters in DC voted for Biden. I am not accusing anyone of something they are innocent of.
If a person supports the Enemy they are the Enemy.

Lastly, this is not about a Trump presidency and neither was the persecution he received for over 4 years. He was the Voodoo doll that the satanists punctured to get at Patriots and Christians.

We either cast Satan and his children out now or he, as a boa constrictor, will squeeze with the rage of his hate against God until all that call on the NameOfJesus will be dead.