The issue with what is Normal is the fact that it is tied to a Standard.
If you change the Standard you redefine what is Normal.
In the process of killing off God, the SecularHumanists were able to change the Standard of Morality from the Word of God to MoralRelativism.
This is how we come to Abortion, Homosexual Marriages, LGBTQ acceptance, and Gender choice.
Eventually the Standard for Normal will be changed to include Beastiality and Child Moletation.
If you go into an inner-city ghetto you will see their definition of Normal life playing out.
If you go to a gated community with a golf course, club-house, pool, tennis courts etc. you will see their definition of Normal life playing out.
But they are worlds apart. Normal depends on the Standard being used.
Popular Opinion is often the Standard by which those in a community or Society defines what is Normal.
But popular Opinion may be changed by circumstances forced upon them or by Brainwash.
That is no way for God's greatest creation to live - subject to the vagaries of popular Opinion.
Jesus came preaching Repentance. He was telling the people to change their Minds by listening to and accepting a New Standard.
Since He is God in Flesh the Standard that He set forth in His teaching is Truth. It is actually the only acceptable Standard.
Out of the Standard that He defined we can determine what is Normal and what is Abnornal.
Do not allow anyone to use the word, Normal, without them explaining the Standard by which it is measured.
The NewNormal is Abnormal because it violates the Constitution and the Law of God.