Term for living in Fear and Bondage     
The Thief comes not, but for to Steal, and to Kill, and to Destroy: I am come that they Might have Life, and that they Might have it more Abundantly. - Joh 10:10
The Thief is Satan who is responsible for all the Evil in the World. Whereas the 'I' is Jesus who has given us EternalLife and AbundantLife.

The Left has a knack for taking good, nice-sounding words and giving them a perverse definition. It is called WordHijacking.

This enables them to slip the pervese ideas and policies over on the unsuspecting masses.

In this case NewNormal means "forget the Constitution, forget Freedom, forget Faith, forget Integrity, accept Fascism, accept Bondage, accept Fear, and accept Propaganda".

But NewNormal isn't threatening. 'New' makes it sound exciting. 'Normal' makes it sound comfortable.

The reality is that anyone using the term NewNormal is simply a Deceiver working for their master, Satan.

People get sucked into pits all the time by people using nice words and pleasant dispositions.

I don't recall that Jesus was ever described as being 'nice' or 'pleasant'.

The words I remember being used about Him were Authority and Power.

Jesus spoke with Authority and He dealt with every person with Authority and Power.

He didn't even sugar-coat His Words to His Disciples. He was Truth, not a Liar or Deceiver.

So, His Words are Spirit and they are Life.

NewNormal is not a Christian word. NewBirth is.

NewNormal is a wolf in sheep's clothing.

NewBirth is tranlation into the glorious Kingdom of God.

But of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, you shall not eat of it: for in the day that you eat thereof you shall surely Die. - Gen 2:17

And the serpent said unto the woman, You shall not surely Die: - Gen 3:4

From the beginning Satan contradicted God to undermine our Faith in God. All all he had to do was take the Word of God and insert a 'not' to negate the Truth in it.

The wisest man that ever lived, Soloman, said this:

The thing that has been, it is that which shall be; and that which is done is that which shall be done: and there is no New thing under the sun. - Ecc 1:9

Everything that is really important in life has already manifested in the past. It is simply repackaged over the generations.

Whenever someone uses the word 'New' about an Idea or Philosophy, recognize that they have simply repackaged an old Idea or Philosophy.

Open the package and look at the Idea, the Philosophy in the Light of God's Word. In doing so you will reveal the Truth or Lie that it really is.

Whenever someone uses the word, 'Normal' understand that they are using some standard by which to measure the quality of it - 'Normal' as opposed to 'Abnormal'.

If the standard they use conflicts with the Word of God, their judgment of Normal is invalid.

Not only does this truth apply to Spiritual things, it also applies to Secular things. Our Constitution is the standard by which all other laws may be measured as Legal or Illegal, Constitutional or unConstitutional.

The Word of God is Supreme because it is God, it is Jesus, it is the Holy Spirit, it is Truth.

So, the Word of God is the only standard by which we measure Spiritual, Moral issues.

Under that Authority is the Constitution. The Constitution is the only standard by which we measure Political, Legal issues.

We are blessed in this country with Freedom given by God and guaranteed to us by our Constitution. This is the Normal that has Saved us and made us great.

Do not accept any NewNormal that conflicts with either the Word or the Constitution.

The Thief comes not, but for to Steal, and to Kill, and to Destroy: I am come that they Might have Life, and that they Might have it more Abundantly. - Joh 10:10
The Thief is Satan who is responsible for all the Evil in the World. Whereas the 'I' is Jesus who has given us EternalLife and AbundantLife.