In the KingdomOfGod there are Sheep and there is Wheat. Mat 25:32 Joh 10:27 Mat 13:24,25 Mat 13:38
In the kingdom of Satan there are Goats and there are Tares. Mat 25:32 Mat 13:25 Mat 13:38
These two kingdoms do not mix. There is no overlap. There is no Fellowship. 2Co 6:14
Hence there are no Hybrids like 'shoats' or 'whares'.
Those in Christ are NewCreatures who have received the HolySpirit and EternalLife. Rom 6:23 2Co 5:17 Gal 6:15
Anyone outside of Christ is an OldMan with a SinNature, cannot experience the Life of God and will spend Eternity in the LakeOfFire. Rom 2:14 Joh 3:36 Rev 21:8
If you have not been BornAgain you need to be since it is the only way to enter the KingdomOfGod.
Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ as the SonOfGod, Receive Him as your Lord and Saviour and Confess with your mouth and Believe in your Heart that God has raised Him from the Dead.
You will be Born into the KingdomOfGod by His HolySpirit.