When you are convinced you are right and want to force your Opinion on others you use shame as a tactic.
"Shame on you!".
How many of us had this hurled at us when we did something wrong as a child?
When we hold any Opinion we naturally consider those with opposing Opinions wrong.
Whether or not we confront those with 'wrong' Opinions is an issue of urgency and courtesy.
If the issue is serious then there is some justification for shaming the person for their 'wrong' Opinion.
An example of this is a person's Opinion of Christ Jesus. If the person is not a Believer they should be confronted on their wrong Opinion FOR THEIR OWN GOOD.
We have begun hearing more and more about Maskers shaming Maskists for not wearing a Mask.
Well, that goes both ways doesn't it? Maybe it is time for Maskists to start shaming Maskers for their Fear and dumbness.
It is discourteous to force your Opinion on another person UNLESS IT IS CRITICAL TO THEIR WELFARE.
Maskers who MaskShame Maskists do so in order to protect themselves. This is selfish and unacceptable.
Maskists who MaskShame Maskers do so in order to Free the Masker from the Bondage of Fear. We are commanded by Christ Jesus to set the captive Free.
Historically, Good people allow themselves to be pushed around by Evil people. That has got to stop.
How do we push back on Arrogant, Fascist Ignorance? With the Truth with Authority in Love.