[ Created: 2020-11-21 22:03:09  Updated: 2020-12-24 12:59:11 Owner: rl ]
Title: A country formed by confederation of big American cities    



I believe it would be in the best interest of all cities with populations above 1million (negotiable) to be aggregated into a separate nation called Am I D I O Tica.   

- Am I D I O Tica could go ahead and implement Socialism without screwing up America or having to deal with deplorables.   

- They would need no army because they are cowards.   ( America would defend them because of proximity).

- Their mayors could just get together and have a cat fight to determine their president.   

- Am I D I O Tica would need no Congress because the people could just make things up as they go.   

- Am I D I O Tica would need no Supreme Court because there are always good reasons for breaking any law.   

- Since the people of Am I D I O Tica don`t produce food, the country would end up in debt to America who really doesn`t need any of their junk (digital nonsense and hot air).   

- Because Am I D I O Tica would soon become another Venezuela, the big farmers in America would simply trade food for apartment buildings, restaurants and office buildings (see Joseph in Egypt).   

- Eventually America would own Am I D I O Tica because of debt

- The new American owners would move in and reclaim the city lands for natural purposes (as opposed to unnatural) (the people would have already left to get jobs in America).   

- And so there would once again be a unified America

If I have offended any city dwellers by my sarcasm I am not sorry because your anti-American, anti-Christian politics have offended me and all freedom-loving, God loving, Constitional Americans.   

To the potential citizens of Am I D I O Tica:
- Get out of the city.   
- Turn off CNN.   
- Talk to some real Americans.   
- Talk to God.   
→ It`ll do you good.