Our Founding Fathers expected there to be another American Revolution.
Why? They knew the tendency of men through the Sin Nature to corrupt everything that is good eventually.
We have reached that point in America. Actually it is way overdue.
What will Revolution 2 look like?
Will it be violent or peaceful?
Will there be a consensus that it is needed?
Who will lead it?
How much damage will be done to our way of life?
Will it be a reset or redo?
The answer to these questions are unknown. However Revolution 2 is unavoidable if there is to be a Future for America.
Why must there be a Revolution 2?
To answer that question we must look at the objectives of the first Revolution.
- Freedom from an overbearing `parent` Government
- Heavy taxation (wealth redistribution)
- Religious differences (Church of England vs multi-denominations)
Do we have similar issues today? Of course we do.
Revolution 1 brought about Freedom from an overlord - Great Britain. The overlord today is the Federal Government and giant corporations.
Revolution 1 was based on Government Of By And For the people. Government is now Of By And For the Government. The people are now enslaved by their own Government.
Revolution 1 broke the Americans free from the Taxation bondage of Great Britain. Today, everything is taxed. The same money is taxed every time it is used.
Revolution 1 forever broke the intimidation power of the Church of England over the multi-denominations and Freedom of Religion in America.
Today the Government and corporate leadership has espoused the Religion of Socialism and have made it defacto the state Religion.
It ramped up its attack on Christianity in 2020. Its goal is to eliminate all other religions so that Socialism is the World Religion.
So, the three major motivations for Revolution 1 are again manifesting themselves to precipitate Revolution 2.
20210106 update
Was America`s break with Great Britain Immoral?
Was it unjustified?
Were the Colonists a mob?
From Great Britain`s perspective the answer to all 3 questions is YES!
We (the Children of God) now have Polytheistic, Atheistic, Homosexual, Abortion, Human Trafficking, Genderbending, Hate Mongering, Fascist, Lying, Thieving Fools ruling over us.
These `rulers` are `elected` by Liberals who fester in big cities run by even bigger Liberals who determine elections by Propaganda and Fraud machinery.
These rulers do not represent traditional Americans who revere God, Family, Freedom and the Constitution.
We are distinctly and irreversably divided on Spirituality, Worldview, and Ideological boundaries which have recently been brought to light by the Political division. Furthermore, these `rulers` hate the Constitution and the Bible, the foundation of Christian America.
Take a look at the Declaration Of Independence and imagine what our founding fathers would do if they were alive today.
20210516 update
How do we know who is anointed and who is not?
People who walk according to the Word of God according to the Holy Spirit are anointed y God. People whose policies and actions conflict with the Word of God and violate the Holy Spirit are not anointed by God.
However, man may have anointed a person. That anointing is Secular and has influence the Secular.
Was Ahab anointed to be king? No, he ascended to power by the birthright. He may have been anointed by the priests through a Secular ritual but such anointing serves only in the scope of man`s Dominion of the earth. It does not commit or bind God in any fashion.
Elections are the act of man just as the anointing of Ahab was an act of man. God honors our choices to the extent He allows us to make mistakes.
A group of people killed an Evil king in Israel. Another group of men killed the assassins because they had violated the anointing on the Evil king - or so they thought. -
God anoints and man anoints. The verse pertains to God`s anointed and not to main`s anointed.
Revolution 2 will happen if and when Americans understand that the Constitution was not designed to produce the corruption, self-interest, graft and deceit that permeates our Government.
20230112 update
Civil Disobedience is one of the best ways to push back on overbearing government. It is time for all Americans to understand that the people making the rules are just people.
If the government is not going to protect the citizens from criminals it is incumbent on the citizens to protect themselves. Vigilante is not a polite word, but it often becomes a necessary one.