[ Created: 2020-11-15 18:16:59  Updated: 2020-11-15 19:12:57 Owner: rl ]
Title: Repent for the Kingdom of Anti Christ is at hand    



From that Time Jesus began to Preach, and to Say, Repent: for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand.    -

Jesus announced the Kingdom of Heaven be telling the people to Repent.   To Repent is to change your thinking about major things like God, Life and Eternity.   

By the Holy Spirit I am announcing that the Kingdom of Anti Christ is at hand.   

And this announcement is coupled with the command to Repent.   To change your way of thinking, first and foremost, about Christ Jesus.   And in conjunction with that to change your way of thinking about BAAL ( Socialism).   

Is the Anti Christ on the scene yet?   Not that I am aware of.   But he is very likely an adult wielding some political power at this very moment.   

The technology is available to implement his Globalist Socialist world order ( Kingdom) by controlling communications and commerce.   

The deception of billions of people about Socialism (BAAL) has been completed for them to align with his Globalist plans.   

The only thing that is keeping him at bay is the Body of Christ.   

The Candlesticks of Revelation represent the Church`s ability to lift up Christ to the World.   The influence of the Body of Christ is negligible at this time.   Has the Candlestick been removed?   

I believe the coming days are critical to answer that question.   Will we roll-over to the fraudulently elected Socialists or will we push back?   

If we do not push back, our Candlestick will be removed completely.   At the point, the Anti Christ will appear on the World scene and he will establish his Kingdom.   

So, there has never been a more serious sense of urgency for Repentance than now.   

If you have not surrendered to Christ Jesus as Saviour and Lord do so right now by Repenting.   

If you are already a Christian you must Repent of lukewarmness.   You must put on the whole Armour of God.   You must trim your Lamp.   You must go into the fields that are white for Harvest.   

The Kingdom of the Anti Christ is at hand.   But we know his Kingdom will only last for 7 years.   

At the end of those 7 years, Jesus will Return with Power and Glory to destroy the Kingdom of the Anti Christ and establish His Millennial Kingdom.   

But between the establishment of the Anti Christ Kingdom and the Millennial Kingdom are 3 1/2 years of Great Tribulation.   

No one wants to go into the Great Tribulation.   Those who believe a pretrib Rapture are convinced they will not go through the Great Tribulation.   However, the pretrib Rapture is not clearly scriptural.   

So, if you are not prepared to give your life for the Gospel of Christ Jesus you better get prepared now.   

If someone you know is not prepared to give their life for the Gospel of Christ Jesus they better get prepared now.   

And all that dwell upon the Earth shall Worship him, whose Names are not written in the book of Life of the Lamb slain from the Foundation of the World.    -

And the Beast was taken, and with him the False Prophet that wrought Miracles before him, with which he Deceived them that had Received the mark of the Beast, and them that worshipped his Image.   These both were cast Alive into a lake of Fire burning with brimstone.    -