[ Created: 2024-03-12 09:01:26  Updated: 2024-03-12 09:02:24 Owner: rl ]
Title: To Politicize something which aught not be political    



The following is from Politicize    
Since our politics is simply the way our ideology plays out in government, with our ideology proceeding from our World View which proceeds from our spirituality, everything in society has been, and always will be politicized.

What makes politicization so deceptive is that those who have subscribed to the ideology of the current political movement do not see the politization. It all seems perfectly normal and right.     

The truth is that American society has always been politicized. The institution of government is in effect the politization of an ideology..     

The ideology of our Founding Fathers was based on a Biblical World View and their spirituality.     They assumed there is a God and they accepted the Bible as His Word - maybe not totally, but at least in spirit.     

Accordingly, they saw our basic rights as proceeding from creator God.     The right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness is the assumption from which their government was founded.     

Since freedom requires the minimization and decentralization of power, the American Constitution was geared toward keeping the power of the central federal government at bay to protect the inalienable rights of the people.     

As atheistic politicians arose there was a shift in the spirituality of the makeup of government.     Accordingly, the World View of the federal government shifted and so its ideology.     

Without God as the supreme founder of truth these atheistic politicians were 'freed' to explore other 'truths'.     Scripture tells us that such a change in orientation will ultimately end up in darkness ( ).     

But the fact that they had accepted a new ideology enabled them to implement new prorities based on new goals.     
This is fundamentally why America is now irreconcilably divided.     

So, the conservative or traditional American sees the politicization of society because they do not agree with the ideology from which it proceeds.     Just as those atheists and communists in past times saw the America Founding Fathers as politicizing its ideology.     

The SCOTUS decisions of the early 1960's marked a turning point in American ideology (which reflected a change in its spirituality).     God was dethroned and atheism was enthroned.     

Every subsequent event in American government has been tempered by that stark shift.     

In order for us to recover as a country we must repent or turn-around.     We must put God back on the throne and dethrone atheism.     This is no different from what Israel did throughout their history.     

In order for us to repent we must be prepared to deal with an enemy who will resist it to the death.     

Christians and conservatives were deluded into thinking that politization is inherently wrong when, in fact, it is the only way to have a strong society.     

Are we willing to politicize our ideology, our worldview, our spirituality?     If not, we might as well settle back as victims of the atheistic, globalist, exaltation-of-state left which will continue to politicize its ideology.     

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