There is a difference of opinion on the relative importance of the Spirit and the Word in Christianity.
Some groups emphasize the Holy Spirit while others emphasize the Word.
Who is correct?
The answer is that neither is correct.
God is a Spirit. Joh 4:24a
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. - Joh 1:1
the Words that I Speak unto you, they are Spirit, and they are Life. - Joh 6:63
Duality is difficult for the Human brain to deal with. We like things discrete, unambiguous.
But science encounters duality in nature on occasion. One specific case of duality is light.
Physical light is both discrete and continuous. It is photon and it is wave at the same time.
A photon is a discrete particle of light. A wave is continuous having no beginning and no end.
How can something be discrete and continuous at the same time? It makes no sense!
Yes it does. God is continuous. Jesus is discrete. God is Spirit. Jesus is Word.
Jesus is the express image of God. They are One.
The Spirit without the Word is incomplete. The Word without the Spirit is incomplete.
When the Word ( Jesus) was baptised with the Holy Spirit He became Christ - the anointed One.
In Rev 1:8 Jesus says that He is Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending, saith the Lord, which is, and which was, and which is to come, the Almighty.
In Rev 21:6 Rev 22:13 Jesus reminds us of this fact.
So, do not attempt to separate the Spirit and the Word. They are One.
Do not emphasize one over the other. They are One.
As a matter of fact, one without the other is not God at all.
I Will Worship toward thy Holy temple, and Praise thy Name for thy Lovingkindness and for thy Truth: for thou hast Magnified thy Word above all thy Name. - Psm 138:2
The Word gives purpose to the Spirit and the Spirit gives Power to the Word.
What use is purpose without Power and what use is Power without purpose?
For I bear them record that they have a Zeal of God, but not according to Knowledge. - Rom 10:2
This verse refers to Isŕael's zeal for God but their lack of Knowledge of Christ Jesus, the Incarnate Word.
Zeal is the Power of the Spirit. Knowledge is of the Word.
Zeal with Knowledge is effective.
The Spirit and the Word in us is Christ in us which manifests Glory.
To whom God would make known what is the Riches of the Glory of this Mystery among the Gentiles; which is Christ in you, the Hope of Glory: - Col 1:27
The Word and the Spirit in you produce Abundant, Eternal Life.
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The Word comes alive by the Holy Spirit who reveals Christ Jesus in it.
The Written Word, the Incarnate Word and the Holy Spirit are One God.
"And Jesus answered him, The first of all the commandments is, Hear, O Israel; The Lord our God is one Lord:" - Mar 12:29
Those who would come to a specific aspect of God without receiving Him in His Oneness will not be received by God.
Jesus said:
"No man comes to the Father but by Me". - Joh 14:6
"No man can come to me, except the Father which has sent me draw him:" - Joh 6:44
"If you abide in me, and my words abide in you, you shall ask what you will, and it shall be done unto you." - Joh 15:7
How can we abide in Jesus? He is a physical body. We can't. We abide in His Holy Spirit.
To 'abide' is to live-in, to stay-in.
So His Word must be alive in us and stay with us.
"My Words are Spirit and they are Life" - Joh 6:63
I teach that the Word and the Holy Spirit catalyz each other. This means that one without the other does not accomplish the purpose of God.
So, those that would emphasize either the Word or the Holy Spirit to the devaluation of the other can not walk in the Power of God.
God spoke ( Word) and there was creation by the Power of the Holy Spirit.
The Holy Spirit brings to our remembrance what Christ Jesus ( Word) has said to us. - Joh 14:26
Words cannot be brought to our remembrance which we have not heard.
It is continuing in His Word which makes us truly Disciples. - Joh 8:31
We are commanded to walk in the Holy Spirit. - Gal 5:25
We are to walk by Faith (which comes by hearing the Word). - 2Co 5:7
Again denigrating either the Holy Spirit or the Word is denigrating co-equal aspects of God.