It really doesn't matter whether Trump or Biden wins wrt unity. Unity is a thing of the past unless the Left repents (of abortion, homosexuality, leeching, lying, Constitution violations, etc). or all Christians renounce their faith (many already have for all practical purposes).
Can two walk together except they be agreed? Amo 3:3
Trump has been villified by the Left for 4 years. There is no way that the Right will accept the Left's pedofile, influence peddling, lying, plagiarizing, good-for-nothing, blood-sucking (government payroll), Constitution-hating, demented shell of a man whose party committed fraud to win as President of the United States when his party did everything to destroy a person who loves America and sacrificed his personal life for America.
Anyone who will accept the Left at this point should go ahead and clear space for the mark, name or number of the beast. Rev 13:8