As of today it is abundantly clear to those who are not deluded that the COVID-19 virus was used to transform America through Fear.
The Fear factor undermined what was left of America`s character leading to the nation becoming a mass of weak, pathetic, survive-at-all-cost minions of the democratic party.
Americans reacted to `yet another virus` as if they were hemophiliacs falling into a pit of double-edged razor blades.
Great says the Left! Now that they are out of their mind with Fear, let`s take advantage and manipulate them into `pay for no work`, `do with less`, `stay away from church`, `wear an ineffective mask`, `be tested when you are fine` and `blame Trump`.
Sad to say, it worked!
Now I know that Humans are susceptible to being taken advantage of. But, I didn`t think they were this gullible.
We have believed lies, we have feared a virus, we have closed businesses, we have stopped going to church, we have stayed home instead of living, we have taken to wearing masks, we are tested when when have no symptoms, we have yielded our rights to foolish dictators. I mean, how pathetic can we be and still breathe?
Wake up! COVID-19 is Covert 19. It only has enough truth in it to be a successful deceiver as all lies do.