Our Lord Jesus has left the earth to His stewards until He returns. Mat 25:14
In the meantime man controls his destiny in the secular realm and in the spiritual realm by virtue of his response to the Gospel. Mat 24:14
Fatalism in the name of sovereignty is a faith and hope killer which is obviously satanic. Heb 11:6
Because the Lord knows the end from the beginning does not mean He determines every event that occurs. Jam 1:17
A river moves forever in its course. Living organisms in it are swept along to its mouth but their individual movements along the way are not controlled by the river.
Jesus will return to fix the mess that His faithless and power-denying stewards have made in relinquishing their inheritance to the children of Satan.
The power of the Lord is released by faith in His Word.
Jesus commanded His disciples to stay in jerusalem until they received His power - the Holy Spirit. But the Holy Spirit only works to the extent that we allow the Word Of The Lord to transform our minds.
Jesus made it clear that only those who lived in His Word were truly His disciples Joh 8:31.
God loves His weak and impotent children in the same fashion parents love their disabled child. But just as those parents would wish for their child to be able to pursue life and be successful, so does our heavenly Father.
A powerful life is a Spirit Filled life of pure Heart Faith in the Word Of The Lord.
Now are we the Sons Of The Holy Spirit 1Jn 3:2.
Jesus is likely seeing the current Christian Church in a similar fashion. → where are the healings? → where are the exorcisms? → where are the prophets? → where are the firebrands?