    [ Created: 2020-11-06 17:57:07  Updated: 2020-11-06 19:35:12   Owner: rl ]
Title: A series of events that are regularly repeated in the same order    

If you have ever read the book of Judges you probably know where this discussion is heading.

The children of Israel entered the Promised Land and took control of the lands previously controlled by the Hittites, Perizites, Hivites, Amorites and and many other 'ites'. Exo 34:11

God gave them glorious victories over the inhabitants of the land and they indeed lived in houses they did not build and ate the fruit of vines they did not plant. Deu 6:10,11

Moses and Aaron as well as Joshua and Caleb were now gone to be with their fathers. The children of Israel explored a life of settlement and building for the future promised to Abraham. Lev 26:6

But the children of Israel were Human. They did not have special DNA and they did not have a particularly strong affinity to God. Exo 20:18,19 They did however reverence Moses.

As time wore on in the Promised Land life became easier than wandering in the desert and conquering the natives. There was a certain amount of safety along with prosperity. Jug 2:7

This condition (though a good one which we strive for) invariably leads to corruption. Accordingly the children of Israel began to experiment. Jug 2:11-14 Jug 2:17

They experimented with other gods. Jug 3:5-7 Now, lest you think they were just some primitive pagans with an uncontrollable desire to worship mystical, ethereal spirits, let me set the record straight.

They did not like being controlled. As I said earlier, though they were the 'chosen people', they were Human. Jer 17:9

The Law of Moses was strict which means restricting. They never did have a desire for Relationship with God. After years of legalistic Bondage they had to break away.

(Unless your Heart is in it you wont be there long.)

The Aaronic Priesthood kept them in line about as much as is possible. When they repented they were sorry for what had happened to them - not for forsaking God.

But, without the commitment to a person Relationship with God (just the Contract of the Law) they pursued 'other interests'. Jug 17:6

What interests? Sex, gluttony, wealth - the usual subjects.

The 'other gods' were simply deities that allowed them to do what was in their Hearts without Guilt! What a deal! (see BAAL)

Where's the Cycle?

Actually, this two step process may seem like evolution to the Atheist, Hedonist, Pagan. I mean, moving away from a restricting Religion into a permissive one. What's not to like about that?

Remember the Contract involving the Law? A deal had been struck with God. 'We will keep the Law and God will bless us. If we break the Law we will be punished'.

When the level of debauchery and arrogant independence from God reached a particular low, it happened that the neighboring countries would see the weakness and move in to spoil the Israelites - raping, pillaging and enslaving them.

Repentence! When things got so bad for the Israelites under the control and abuse of a neighboring country, they would Repent.

When they repented, God would raise up a champion (a Judge) who would militarily lead the Israelites back to Freedom and Independence.

Of course the Israelites rejoiced and thanked God for their Salvation... for a while. Jug 10:10

When time passed and the memory of their Bondage and Deliverance waned, the same downward spiral would occur back into debauchery - the result of the SinNature that is in every Human being. Jam 1:15

And so the Cycle:
- Blessing in Relationship
- Debauchery in separation to other gods
- Weakness on the inside
- Destruction from outside
- Repentance for their separation from God
- A Champion (Judge) arises to deliver them
- Blessing in Relationship (the Cycle begins again)

Christ did not come to create a better Cycle or a shorter Cycle or shallower Cycle.

Christ Jesus came to create a NewNature, a New Life, a new existence. He came to make us Spirit beings. Luk 5:37-39

When we look at the History of America we see three steps of the Cycle:
- Relationship with God, Truth, Freedom, Responsibility
- Separation from God with debauchery, weakness
- Weakness on the inside

Will we be destroyed by a foreign power or will we simply rot away?

Repentance is the step in the Cycle which turns things around.

Jesus said that except a person Repents they will Perish. Luk 13:3,5

America is the sum total of its people. If the people Repent the nation can be Saved. If they do not Repent the nation will be destroyed. Pro 14:34

"Be not Deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man sows, that shall he also Reap." - Gal 6:7

"The Wicked shall be turned into Hell, and all the Nations that forget God." - Psm 9:17

If we are indeed at the EndOfTheAge the Cycle may not complete. Jesus may come before America's Repentance occurs.

Christ will definitely Return when the World is in Rebellion against God.

All those in Rebellion will be cast into the LakeOfFire with no hope of Repentance or a new day.

The invitation is given but it has an expiration date.

"The Lord is not slack concerning his Promise, as some men count slackness; but is Longsuffering to us-ward, not Willing that any should Perish, but that all should come to Repentance." - 2Pe 3:9

"While it is said, To day if you will Hear his voice, harden not your hearts, as in the provocation." - Heb 3:15

This verse refers to the fact that the Israelites in the wilderness refused to Repent and so perished without ever seeing the Promised Land.

Don't let this happen to you or anyone in your life. Receive Christ Jesus as Lord Saviour and experience Eternal, Abundant Life.