[ Created: 2024-03-12 08:22:23  Updated: 2024-03-12 08:58:55 Owner: rl ]
Title: Using taxpayer money to attack and destroy the taxpayer    



The politization of the federal government agencies is sufficient reason to dismantle it.   

The alternative is totalitarianism.   

We are seeing the power of the government being used to effect policies which only serve the government i.e.   the people in control of it.   

This is a gross evil.   

In America, we formed a government Of By And For the people.   No one can attest to the current manifestation of that government as being Of By And For the people.   Rather it is now Of By And For the government itself.   

Lawsuits by the government against private citizens serve to destroy those citizens.   

It is a fact that the party with the most money can win any suit.   How so?   By bleeding the other sides resources until they cannot continue the fight.   

Since our government can tax at will and print money at will, it is impossible for a citizen to win a case against the government.   

We are now ruled by evil men.   I am not saying they are evil in every sense of the word - just fundamentally.   

To be evil is
    To be totally self-serving.   
    To see everything as it affects you.   
    To take actions that only serve you.   
    To deny the other parties interests if they conflict with yours.   

All of the above orientations are a result of the Sin Nature with which all men are born.   

Any person not under the Lordship of Christ Jesus, who demands that we `do unto others as we would have them do unto us`, is unworthy of being in a position of power over others.   

There is no litmus test for entering government but there should be.   Furthermore, there should be an overarching law that removes any person from government who operates in violation of Christ`s law.   

Corruption cannot be held back by any force on earth.   It can only be contained by the Holy Spirit.   

This is a fact.   For Christians to deny this fact is foolishness and blasphemy.   Why blasphemy?   It implies that there is a power other than the Holy Spirit greater than evil.   

Satan hates humanity and is hell-bent on destroying it.   

For believers in Christ Jesus to ignore this and allow Children Of Satan to have authority is contrary to scripture which exhorts us to `give no place to the devil`.   

Because of the weakness and foolishness of Christians, we will be persecuted by the evil men we have allowed to rule over us.   

Expect more and more attacks upon private citizens and groups (churches) that come against the almighty government that we have enabled.   

Only those who have been made free by Christ Jesus know what freedom is.   

It is apparent that virtually every person in D.C.   is in bondage to others who have some incriminating knowledge about them.   It is clear that the bondage involves sex and money.   

In order to protect themselves from loss of wealth and power and to escape prosecution, they must remain in power and those who have the goods on them must not be prosecuted.   

Will we allow this evil government to stand?   If we do, it will continue to ramp up its persecution of those who would bring it to justice.