I grew up in a church that used the term 'seek God' quite a bit. The only thing I understood they meant by this was an emotional experience.
Jesus made it clear how to Seek God:
"And I say unto you, Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and you shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you." - Luk 11:9
He made it quite clear how to Receive from God:
"Have faith in God". Mar 11:22
This seems too simple so people add some 'religion' into it.
A spoonful of guilt, a cup of remorse, a dash of penance, a sprinkling of good works - the same things that all religions have in different measures.
But all the religion does is mess up the recipe.
Paul made it pretty clear how we know we have found God (or at least what He has in mind for us).
It is when we Walk by Faith in the Spirit. 2Co 5:7 Gal 5:25
Walking by Faith is believing what the Word says to the exclusion of all conflicting information. Rom 3:4
Walking in the Spirit is living by the Power of God's Spirit which enables us to do all things. Phi 4:13
Many times we are asking, seeking and knocking for something other than what God has specified in His Word.
Doing so leads to frustration, weakness and a lack of fruit. Jam 4:3
Faith is the catalyst for the Holy Spirit to do mighty things through us. It comes by hearing the Word of God. Mat 9:29
When a Spirit filled person receives the Word into his heart there will be supernatural works manifested in his life. Jam 2:18
KISC - Keep It Simple Christian!