Having the Mind Of Christ and walking in Spiritual Truth    
Believest thou not that I am in the Father, and the Father in me?     the words that I speak unto you I speak not of myself: but the Father that dwelleth in me, he doeth the works.
How can Jesus be in the Father and the Father be in Him?     
Understand who the Father is.     He is a Spirit.     He is the Holy Spirit.     The Holy Spirit fills the universe and beyond.     But He birthed the body of Jesus and annointed Him to be Messiah - He filled the body of Jesus.     

Jesus spoke what the Holy Spirit inspired Him to speak.     Jesus reached out to heal and deliver those whom the Holy Spirit empowered Him to bless.     

Just as the disciples and others of Jesus` day could not look past the physical form of Jesus and see the Father, likewise today, people cannot see past our physical form to see the Father in us.     

What is even worse is that many of us cannot look past our own physical form to realize Christ in us the expectation of the Father`s glory being manifested in and through us.     

Greater works shall we do because the Father has made His abode in us.     We are filled with the Holy Spirit.     

Father is a role.     It is not the name of a being.     The name of the Father is Christ Jesus.     (For that matter, the name of the Holy Spirit is Christ Jesus).     But Jesus was clarifying how He, as a man, was able to do what He did and say what He said.     

The Holy Spirit is the Father of Jesus.     He is the one who impregnated Mary.     He is the One who inspires and implements the Word.     

So, Jesus being the Word speaks and interacts with those in the Physical Realm, while the Holy Spirit from the Spirit Realm (Heaven) inspires Jesus to speak and then performs the works that Jesus does.     

The Holy Spirit and the Word are One.     You cannot separate them.     If you try to you will either have the Word or the Power and neither will be effective.     The Word speaks the purpose, while the Power achieves the purpose.     The Holy Spirit and Word are inseparable.

I think we can all agree that Jesus was Spiritual Minded.   The fact that He attributed His Words and work to the Holy Spirit is very telling.   

In order for us to be Spiritual Minded we must be in intimate fellowship with the Word Of God and the Holy Spirit.   

Fellowshipping with a person is sharing common values and experiences.   Fellowshipping with God requires us to know Him through His Word so that we are in agreement with Him.   

The Holy Spirit responds to the Word Of God as evidence in creation.   

If we want the Holy Spirit, who is the power of God, to manifest in and through us we must be intimate with the Word Of God according to which the Holy Spirit operates.   

Get into the Word and pray in the Spirit and you will be Spiritual Minded.