But speaking the truth in love, may grow up into him in all things, which is the head, even Christ: - Eph 4:15
It is a fact that the Truth can Offend, it can make people Angry and it can cause Division.
The CarnalMind would therefore conclude that on occasion Truth should be suppressed, weakened or twistedni to a Lie in order to Placate a friend or adversary.
The SpiritualMind however must Speak the Truth in Love. This may result in the friend or adversary being offended, angered or even violent.
What about Longsuffering? Doesn't that mean we should be Tolerant?
To be Longsuffering means that you endure a person's error patiently waiting for them to come to the Light.
The key part of Longsuffering is 'suffering'. It means that the person's error is grievous to you.
Tolerance means that you just sluff off the error so that you ignore the error and eventually come to not even see it as error.
Longsuffering never changes its perspective about Truth. Tolerance creates its own truth.
When we treat a person who is error as if they are not we Placate them. Sometimes we use the word 'defuse' to describe how we suppress Truth to bring short-term Peace to a difference of opinion.
Jesus said that not one joy nor one tittle would pass away from the Word of God until it is all fulfilled. He was telling us that God doesn't defuse and He doesn't Placate. He is Longsuffering and He is the Righteous judge.
Don't Placate to the point where you become Tolerant. Always make sure others are clear regarding the Truth which convicts them of error.
This is for their good, their Salvation. It may cause a rift between the two of you but it will produce good fruit in the end.