    [ Created: 2020-09-25 08:33:38  Updated: 2020-09-26 06:52:28   Owner: rl ]
Title: To unseat the existing Power or Authority    

In 1776 the colonists voted and then fought to OverThrow British rule to eventually establish the USA.

In 1917 the Russian Bolsheviks fought to OverThrow the Czar to eventually establish the USSR.

History is rife with revolutions to OverThrow a ruling regime.

In every case one side saw the OverThrow as Good and the other side saw it as Evil.

"Someone will always be on top. It is just a matter of who".

Jealousy is inherent in the SinNature.

For this reason there is no reason why those on top should pay attention to every criticism by those on the bottom.

Today in America we are in the thoes of an OverThrow attempt by the Left.

The Left rejects the Constitution and the Bible which are the historical pillars of America.

The fact that God gave this land to Believers who wanted Freedom, Responsibility and Accountability is denied by the Left.

They Hate God and they Hate the Constitution.

The Left has systematically worked toward the OverThrow of America by undermining Faith in God (removal of Prayer and Bible reading from public Education) and by undermining the Constitution ('living document').

In the eyes of the Left this OverThrow is Good. In the eyes of 'real' Americans it is Evil.

Who is right?

The god of the Left is Baal (Socislism). The God of the Right is Father God (manifested in Jesus).

Who you serve determines your answer.

. .. but as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD. - Jos 24:15b

One final point: The struggle for supremacy in America is really just a battle front of the larger War that Satan is waging against God.

God created Humanity to become His Children.

Satan Hates God and Humanity. His plan is to destroy Humanity.

So, the Political battle is in every real sense a Spiritual battle.

Understand the division and conflict in America in these terms so that you are not Deceived.

Satan will not OverThrow God.
He will end up in the LakeOfFire.
So too will everyone who rejects Christ Jesus.