I am a Maskist and I make no apology for it.
Where I come from everyone was a Maskist. We were born that way.
I know that Maskers consider me and other Maskists as insensitive and selfish.
They probably would like to see us all destroyed.
What they don't understand is that we don't hate Maskers, we hate Masks.
Maskists respect the rights of Maskers to wear their Masks anytime and anywhere they like.
But, I must confess that there is a growing conviction among Maskists that Maskers are patently inferior.
Science proves that Maskers and Maskists are genetically the same.
However the growing number of incidents of Maskers being seen wearing their Masks in automobiles (alone) and in swimming pools and oceans is making it difficult to keep prejudice down.
Adding fuel to the fire is the requirement by Maskers of Maskists to enter but not sit in a restaurant with a Mask on.
Unless there is some cooling down of the Mask hysteria on both sides there could be civil war.
Maskists may reach the breaking point from being forced to wear Masks leading to wholesale reprisal.
I can foresee face to Mask clashes resulting in broken elastic, Maskers with Masks hanging from only one ear, streets and sidewalks strewn with ripped off Masks, psych wards filled with emotionally distraught demasked Maskers, and jails filled with frenzied Maskists fresh off the ripping fields.
Is this the vision I want to see for America? NO!
Take off your stupid Mask then.