Have you ever noticed how many of the pop celebrities are Outrageous in their look, words and actions?
This is not an accident. It is intentional.
Darryl Waltrip was asked once how he felt about being booed during driver introductions at Nascar events. He said something like this: "Being booed means they take notice of you. The worst thing that could happen is no reaction from the crowd."
How many of us love to just blend into the crowd?
Whose example are we following by this?
The Apostles were lightening rods.
Jesus was a lightening rod.
Did they try to get noticed? Did they try to make a splash? NO!
But there was something different about them - not in the way they dressed or looked.
The difference was in how they Spoke and what they did.
It was said of Jesus that He Spoke with Authority.
He forgave Sin. He healed the sick. He set the Captive Free.
Paul and the Apostles took on the Character of Christ and similarly were Bold and startling in Word and Deed.
The explanation for their Outrageous Speech and behaviour was that they were filled with the Holy Spirit.
Actually, they were aliens - Humans inhabited and motivated by the Spirit from Heaven.
The Old Man that you were is dead.
The New Creature that you are now is designed to be Outrageous.