Now obviously unspotted in this verse is talking about keeping oneself clean of worldly infection.
However, I want to focus on the alternate meaning of unspotted - 'not seen'.
Christianity is largely unspotted in the Seven Mountains of influence.
Actually it is unspotted from day to day life as most Christians live just like non-Christians.
We are to be the light of the world.
You are the light of the world. A city that is set on an hill cannot be hid. - |
I think it is safe to say that Jesus expects us to be 'spotted' by the world just as James is saying we should be unspotted from the world.
Niceness and 'good deeds' can be pulled off by non-Christians as well as by Christians.
So, niceness and good deeds are not how we let our light shine.
How then do we do it?
We are commanded to preach the Gospel to every creature.
We are commanded to be witnesses.
We are commanded to heal the sick and set the captive free.
I am quite sure that if our lives had a significant amount of preaching, witnessing, healing and delivering going on we would be spotted by the world.
I am also quite sure that this would make us salt and light.
Let's stop being stealth Christians and get spotted by the world.