    [ Created: 2020-08-15 13:00:12  Updated: 2020-08-31 12:39:38   Owner: rl ]
Title: Who to Trust and why to Trust them    

20200831 update 94% of all deaths attributed to COVID-19 involve one or more co-morbid conditions.

Look folks, we all want to believe in our government. But, as I posted last week, there is no one whom you can truly trust other than God.

The Word of God is Truth. Everything else is more or less cool-aid.

Our founding fathers would be apalled at how much trust we have put in the people in government. They were some of the most honorable Americans of any generation but they knew that they, nor anyone else, is capable of wielding power without being corrupted by it.

We see the corruption in politics. That unfortunately is the tip of the iceberg.

There is no one in Washington or Raleigh who is worthy of taking your freedoms and conducting your life.

If you are an adult, any person who leads you like a child is your enemy. When you detect such people encroaching on your God-given, Constitutionally-guaranteed rights, recognize them as your enemy and an enemy of America.

I am amazed at the gullibility of people.

I cannot understand how people will continue to Trust people who have lied to them.

Specifically, I cannot fathom the Trust that people have in 'experts' and Government.

Using the COVID-19Hoax as an example let's look at the number of Lies that have been told about it by the 'experts' supported by Government:

1. 2.2 million U.S. deaths projected

2. 2 weeks, then 4 weeks, then 8 weeks and now indefinite shutdown, distancing, masking and restricted assembling.

3. Masks are not necessary, then necessary -

4. Walmart environment is immune to COVID-19, churches aren't.

5. Protesting is safe, going to church is not.

6. Stimulus checks help. They are borrowed money so the people being 'helped' are being 'helped' into debt.

7. COVID-19 is a Pandemic. It is not because it does not affect a high enough percentage of the population.

So, why do people still Trust the 'experts'? Why do people still Trust the Government?

Is it because they Worship Baal - the false god of Socialism?

Is it because they choose to live in Disney Worlds - make believe land?

Is it because they don't have the guts to confront incompetent Liars?

The SocialNetwork is busy brainwashing the people. Unless a person wants the Truth badly enough to dig it out, they will be Deceived.

They will be lied to over and over again with the explanation that they have 'learned more' or there is 'new data'.