    [ Created: 2020-08-07 20:18:45  Updated: 2020-08-15 14:13:10   Owner: rl ]
Title: An entity which serves as editor or censor to promote Propaganda    

The SocialNetwork players include the SearchEngines the ContentCollectors and the ContentCreators.

The SearchEngine players are folks like Google, Yahoo, Bing.

The ContentCollectors are folks like Facebook, Twitter and YouTube.

The ContentCreators are folks like FakeMedia, political grandstanders, Fascist governors, public health depts, public service announcements, corporate do-gooders and, yes, citizens.

ContentCreators have Freedom to express ideas and opinions on an open Internet.

ContentCollectors have limited Freedom to collect information based on privacy issues. They have total Freedom as to what they collect from ContentCreators with privacy restrictions. They have total Freedom as to what they make available from their information repositories.

SearchEngines are allowed access to ContentCreator and ContentCollector information though permissions managed on servers. They have Freedom to index and serve up what they find on the Internet. They may choose to drop content or to index it in such a way that it does not appear.

So, the Freedom to express is controlled on the SocialNetwork by ContentCollectors and SearchEngines whose software may apply editorial, censuring and blocking rules.

When this occurs, the SocialNetwork becomes a tool of the PolicyMachine serving as a PropagandaProtector for the specific policy it favors.