    [ Created: 2020-08-06 22:07:31  Updated: 2020-08-30 09:19:04   Owner: rl ]
Title: The Work of the Thief    

The thief comes not, but for to Steal, and to Kill, and to Destroy: I am come that they Might have Life, and that they Might have it more Abundantly. - Joh 10:10

Jesus spoke on several occasion about Eye Sight. Mat 7:5 Mat 13:15 Mat 13:16

He was talking about Blindness, Deception and Vision.

Some people were blind and could not understand the Truth.

Some people were Deceived and rejected the Truth in favor of a Lie.

Some people Understood and Received the Truth to See the Glory of God in Christ Jesus.

The Blind and the Deceived are the victims of Satan's efforts to StealKillAndDestroy.

Those who Receive the Light of the Gospel of Christ Jesus enter into AbundantLife.

Many people are unconcerned about the above because they don't ever see Satan or Jesus.

Those people are Blind.

Satan manifests in every ChildOfSatan all the time, everywhere.

Jesus manifests in every ChildOfGod all the time, everywhere.

You see those unconcerned people are part of the group that are Blind or Deceived.
Each of them is a ChildOfSatan whether they know it or not.

Those of us who Know the Lord Jesus Christ are those who experience AbundantLife.
Each of us is a ChildOfGod.

Satan uses his children to further his efforts to StealKillAndDestroy.

Christ uses His children to further the Kingdom Word of spreading AbundantLife.

Look around you. Every person is either working for Christ or working for Satan.

That includes you.

Jesus said you will know the tree by its fruit. Luk 6:44

Do not judge by appearance. Use the same judgment that God will use on that day - the Word of God.

Do not give people "the benefit of the doubt". Try every spirit to see whether or not they are of God. 1Jn 4:1

1 Beloved, Believe not every Spirit, but try the Spirits whether they are of God: because many False Prophets are gone out into the World.
2 Hereby Know you the Spirit of God: Every Spirit that confesses that Jesus Christ is come in the Flesh is of God:

3 And every Spirit that confesses not that Jesus Christ is come in the Flesh is not of God: and this is that Spirit of Antichrist, whereof you have heard that it should come; and even now already is it in the World. - 1Jn 4:1-3

Make a point of knowing whether or not people have Confessed Christ Jesus and been filled with His Spirit.

If they have not, they are a ChildOfSatan and Satan is the father of Liars and so they too must be Liars.

This is simple math. I understand it is rigid. But so is God.

Jesus said you MUST be BornAgain. He did not say you aught to be BornAgain.

He told John that every person whose name was not written in the BookOfLife would be cast into the LakeOfFire.

Is Christ rash or He is Truth? We must get off the fence and recognize that there is none Good but God. Mar 10:18

Otherwise, we Blaspheme Christ and His Word and so fall into Deception.

Christianity and the Kingdom of God is not a Dale Carnegie Course for learning how to "win friends and influence people".

Jesus said go into all the world and Preach the Gospel. He did not command us to convert everyone. Conversion is the job of the HolySpirit. Our job is to Preach the Gospel.

If you feel uncomfortable telling someone they are a ChildOfSatan, don't do it. The HolySpirit is not giving you the unction to do it.

But you should pray that God raise up people who will confront the Lost on their turf - which is Satan's livingroom.

Eternity is waiting for every person. Each of us will die and each of us will face the judgment.

Hell was meant for Satan and fallen angels. But, all who refuse the precious Blood of Christ will spend eternity with him.

The one who comes to StealKillAndDestroy.