During that time the saints of all ages will be in the air with Christ Jesus, having been translated and caught up from the earth so as to escape His wrath.
At the end of the Day Of Wrath, Christ Jesus will set foot on on the Mount of Olives with His translated saints, followed by the Marriage Supper of the Lamb, followed by the rewarding of His saints, followed by the institution of the Millennial Kingdom.
Immediately following our catching away, the Day Of Wrath begins with our Lord destroying the wicked and the works of their hands.
When Jesus returns, He will return in glory and power such as the world has never seen.
Immediately upon translating us from corruptible to incorruptible into His presence, He will strike the earth with the Word Of His Mouth wreaking annihilation upon the wicked and the works of their hands.
See Isa 24:1-* Isa 25:1-* and Isa 26:1-*