    [ Created: 2020-07-31 10:12:14  Updated: 2020-07-31 13:24:44   Owner: rl ]
Title: The perception that white people are Privileged by their whiteness    

The Gospel was preached in the middle east first.
Then Asia Minor and North Africa.
Then Eastern Europe and Asia.
Then into Europe.
Then it spread by explorers into North and South America and to the Far East
Then it spread to Australia and the islands.
And now it has spread around the world.

Why did WesternCivilization develop? Because of the acceptance of the Gospel. Because the Gospel thrived there.

In the Middle East, North Africa, and Southern Asia the Muslims came through and killed the Christians, took over the lands and instituted Islam - a Religion of Death.

This set those areas of the world backwards and destroyed the Power of Life that proceeds from the Gospel.

When you Choose Life you experience Life.
When you Choose Death you experience Death.

He that has the Son has Life; and he that has not the Son of God has not Life. - 1Jn 5:12

White people received the Son and experienced His Life which manifested Culturally as WesternCivilization.

Red, Yellow, Brown and Black people either rejected the Son or were never taught about Him and so they did not experience His Life.

WhitePrivilege is the result of receiving Christ Jesus as Lord and Savior and building a Society and Government (Constitution) which reflected Freedom and Life.

Unfortunately, many Black, Brown, Red and Yellow people have chosen to keep their historical Culture (of Death) rather than receiving the Culture of Life through Christ Jesus.

WhitePrivilege is based on WhiteCulture which is based on WesternCivilization which is based on the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

The idea of WhitePrivilege is completely bogus.

Christ Jesus does not look at the color of skin or the place of origin or the fleshly culture of any person.

Jesus came that we may be BornAgain of the Spirit of God become New Creatures - that we would be filled with the HolySpirit and walk in newness of Life.

There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor Free, there is neither male nor female: for you are all one in Christ Jesus. - Gal 3:28

What appears to be WhitePrivilege is really the Blessing of Christ in a Race of people who, in aggregate, have received Christ Jesus as Lord and Savior.