    [ Created: 2020-07-31 08:34:56  Updated: 2020-07-31 10:04:27   Owner: rl ]
Title: Ignorance of and separation from the Spiritual Realm    

We hear the word 'privileged' being used a lot today.

The implication is that some people come into world with an 'unfair advantage'.

There is an element of truth in this idea. Some people are born in America and some people are born in a third world country. Some people are born into Wealth and some into Poverty.

However, we all know that addressing fairness in the uncontrollable aspects of life is an perverse concept.

Of late the concept of 'white privilege' has come unto vogue.

For what purpose? "To steal, kill and destroy".

No one chooses their Race.

A person with black skin will always be black. A person with white skin will always be white.

When we walk by Sight according to the Flesh we see the unfairness in life and fall into Covetousness.

We are discouraged. We feel defeated. We see only our disadvantage. We experience Resentment toward the Privileged. We are miserable. We are the walking dead. 1Jn 5:12

When we walk by Faith according to the Spirit we have Hope and Eternal, Abundant Life. Rom 8:13

We experience Grace which is Blessing and Prosperity. We experience Love, Joy and Peace. Gal 5:22,23

Christ Jesus came to deal with the 'unfairness' of our fallen Physical birth.

He said: You must be BornAgain !. Joh 3:7

In the NewBirth we become New Creatures. Old things are passed away and all things are become New. 2Co 5:17

When we make the choice to Walk in newness of Life we are Privileged and Blessed as Children of God. 1Pe 2:9

We are Royalty. We are more than Conquerors. We are Glorified in Christ. Col 1:27

We are One in Him with no respect of persons based on Race, Gender or Social status. Gal 3:28

The Good News (Gospel) is that everyone can be Privileged and Blessed. Rev 22:17

Receive Christ Jesus as Lord and Savior (Rom 6:23) and be filled with the HolySpirit! Eph 5:18
Then Walk in newness of Life! Rom 6:4