For the record, the left wants to destroy America so that includes every institution.
It is really getting tiresome how many on the right keep trying to make sense of the Left's words, actions and plans.
Stop it! They have aligned with the enemy of mankind - Satan. It is really that simple. Satan is a liar and the father of liars. He hates mankund and so deceives him into destroying himself. He steals, kills, and destroys through his children.
That is the news 24/7 though you may get a film or talking point to highlight his particular accomplishment for the day.
Socialism doesn't work. The Elites know that. So why do they promote Socialism?
Socialism is just a vehicle for destroying America.
America must be destroyed to make way for the New World Order (NWO).
Americans are not enamored with the NWO but they are enamored with 'free stuff'.
Americans are not enamored with Fascism but they are enamored with 'feeling good about themselves'.
So, the natural ploy for the Elites is to sell Americans on 'free stuff' and feeling morally superior. This manifests in society in the 'fairness' concept and PoliticalCorrectness.
Why do the Elites want the NWO?
The simple answer is 'more adulation', 'more power', 'more money'.
Instead of dominating 330 million people they could dominate 7.5 billion people.
20210716 update - Resistance or Extermination
Our Military stood down while the election coup took place. Why? Because they are led - just like the Executive Branch, FBI, CIA, Congress and Courts - by Socialist/Communists. General Mark Milley, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff
, is symbolic of what American institutions have become.
"You must demonize the opposition in order to justify their extermination."
They have demonized God-fearing, freedom-loving Americans and they are moving to exterminate us.
For Christians, the question remains:
"What on earth are we doing?"