[ Created: 2020-07-29 08:03:24  Updated: 2020-07-31 13:49:50 Owner: rl ]
Title: A person who works against their own country    


We are electing Traitors and these elected Traitors are putting Traitors into non-elected positions including judicial posts.   

The Supreme Court just ruled against the First Amendment to the Constitution by supporting the right of a State Government to restrict the right of the people to assemble in Church to 50 people.   

This is catastrophic.   

Why 50?   Why not 40 or 30 or 20 or 10 or none?   

The people sitting on the Supreme Court bench are supposed to be wiser than most which means they can see further than the average person.   

So, in some sense, they know what they are doing.   This means that the 5 people who voted in the majority believe they can supercede the Constitution and thwart the Kingdom of God.   This is EVIL.   

They are blatantly and wilfully coming against the Constitution and the Kingdom of Christ Jesus.   In so doing, they have aligned themselves against America and God and are in Satan's camp.   

May each of them be brought down from their position and go to an early grave after having repented and received Christ Jesus.   I wish them no eternal punishment, only their removal from positions of influence.   

Even if they repent now, they have already done virtually irreparable damage to our country and so must exit this life in the same way a mass murderer who repents should still be put to death.   

They are traitors.