Child Sacrifice takes many forms.
In third world countries, parents sell their children into the sex-slave industry.
In third world countries, parents sell their children by the hour to manufacture tennis shoes, etc.
In America we sell our children into Socialism via the corrupt Education system (for what?)
In O.T. days parents threw their children into the fire of Molech to gain favor with Baal.
Modern day Baal is Socialism. Modern day Molech is Socialist Education.
Destruction came upon Israel for offering their children as sacrifices in the fire of Molech in worship of Baal.
Destruction is a result, a wage of Sin. It is a Sin to throw one's child into the Socialist Education System.
God is not mad at you. He is sad for you because you and your children will suffer the destruction that comes through Baal worship.
Stop the destruction by refusing to offer your child into the fire of Molech in worship of Baal. Raise up your child in the way that he should go - in the precepts of the Lord - and enjoy the Harvest of a God-filled, God-blessed life for you and your children.
Isaiah Saldivar
Today I was praying and heard God say " Molech is MAD".
The first battle Joshua faced when bringing the children into the promised land was Jericho many of you know the story but don't realize there was a demon god worshipped in Jericho
The people living in Jericho were Canaanites. They worshipped an idol named Molech, the god of fire. Molech was a giant brass image with the head of a bull. In his belly was an an opening where a fire burned. The way worshippers appeased this angry god was to let their
children “pass through the fire,” Leviticus 18:21 says And thou shalt not let any of thy seed pass-through
the fire to Molech. Other translations say do not sacrifice your children to Molek
This was the process. Mothers would bring
their living infants before this demon god. Then at a certain point as they worshipped the idol
they would roll the baby into the fire as a sacrifice! The mother was to dance and rejoice as her precious baby
burned right before her eyes. If she showed any sadness or remorse her offering was not accepted. After the babies had been burned in the fire, they would gather their ashes and put them into jars. Then they would take the jars and insert them into the walls of Jericho as a memorial to Molech.
Archaeologists discovered these remains in their studies. The destruction of the walls of Jericho
was God’s judgment against this demonic practice. It also shows us the kind of perverted madness
the devil uses to destroy our children.
But that would never happen in America, right? In 1973 the Supreme Court of the United States passed
legislation legalizing abortion. That was over forty years ago. Since that time, an estimated 60+ million
abortions have been performed in our country. By God's power, there has been a federal ruling stating abortion is not a constitutional right. Several states have since banned abortion but we still have a long way to go.
The terrible irony is that many of these
aborted babies are stored in jars in abortion clinics, much like the jars in the walls of Jericho.
Molech is mad and the church is the only resistance. The future of America is not in the hands of the politicians it is in the hands of the people of God. Molech might have an assignment but so do we. It is time for the church to rise up, speak up and push back against this demonic power. This is not the time for silence or political agendas this is the time for war.
Molech might be fierce, but so are we. -Isaiah Saldivar