[ Created: 2020-07-20 15:42:47  Updated: 2023-07-10 14:28:05 Owner: rl ]
Title: The trinitarian idea that our Creator has three heads    



There is no such thing as the godhead.   It is a construct by people who do not understand Spirit Soul And Body as it pertains to our Creator and to mankind who was made in His image.   

Godhead shows up in 3 verses in the KJV Bible.   The translation should have been 'divinity'.   'Godhead' was used because of ingrained trinitarianism going back to the late first century.   The concept was a result of Satan trying to undermine the deity of Christ Jesus - specifically denying that Jesus is the express image of divinity.   
Forasmuch then as we are the offspring of the Lord, we ought not to think that divinity is like unto gold, or silver, or stone, graven by art and man's device.
We are the offspring of the Holy Spirit by His Word expressed in and through Christ Jesus.

For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and divinity; so that they are without excuse:
Evidence of creation and Intelligent Design is everywhere and it is undeniable.

For in him dwells all the fulness of divinity bodily.
Our Creator is Spirit And Word .      He is the Holy Spirit of Christ Jesus.     He is Spirit Soul And Body.     

The Holy Spirit impregnated Mary .      Hence, Jesus is the Son of the Holy Spirit.     That makes the Holy Spirit the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.     

The Holy Spirit made Himself a body to relate to the physical creation .      That body we call Jesus.     

When Jesus spoke He spoke the words of the Holy Spirit Father.     When Jesus healed and set free, He was doing the works of the Holy Spirit Father.     The Holy Spirit Father was in Jesus .     

So, we see that the annointing that made Jesus the Christ, is the Holy Spirit who fathered Him, who spoke through Him, who empowered Him and who ultimately raised Him from the dead .     

There is One Lord and He is Spirit And Word - He is Christ Jesus.

An early reference to the three "persons" of later Trinitarian doctrines appears towards the end of the first century, where Clement of Rome rhetorically asks in his epistle as to why corruption exists among some in the Christian community; " Do we not have one God, and one Christ, and one gracious Spirit that has been poured out upon us, and one calling in Christ?" (1 Clement 46:6).   A similar example is found in the first century Didache, which directs Christians to "baptize in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit".    - Wikipedia Clement did not understand Spirit Soul And Body.   Had he understood the nature of man, He would have understood the nature of God who created him in His image.   Clement should have said this: " Do we not have one God, Christ Jesus, whose gracious Spirit has been poured out upon us, and one calling in Christ?"

Fundmentally, trinitarianism and the concept of the godhead is a denial of Isaiah's prophecy that the Creator would manifest in the man Jesus .   

What appears to the unlearned to be three manifestations of the Creator is actually only one.   God is a Spirit.   The Holy Spirit is Spirit.   There are not two Spirits of God.   God is the Holy Spirit.   

Jesus was fathered by the Holy Spirit, so the Holy Spirit is the Father.   Jesus is the express image of the Father.   IE, He is the express image of the Holy Spirit.   

Jesus is the Body and Soul of the Holy Spirit.   

So we see that our Creator is Spirit Soul And Body in one being who is called Jesus just as each of us are Spirit, Soul and Body in one being.   

Example: I am Spirit Soul And Body in one being and my name is Randy Lucas.   

The phrase " God also has highly exalted him" in is problematic for me as it sounds like there is another person who has exalted Jesus.   
    God is a Spirit.   
    He is the Holy Spirit.   
    The Holy Spirit fathered Jesus.   

    the Holy Spirit is the Heavenly Father.   
    The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of Christ Jesus.   
    Jesus is the Spirit, Soul and Body of 'God'.   
    He is the express image of 'God'.   
    Jesus is the Word of 'God' and
    His Spirit is the Spirit of 'God'.   

There is no other person than Jesus in the godhead.   

'God' ( Jesus) is no more a trinity of persons than we are who were created in His image.