[ Created: 2020-07-20 15:14:14  Updated: 2023-10-26 11:50:31 Owner: rl ]
Title: The Spirit Filled Believers who have been grafted into the True Vine    



In the beginning was the Soul ( Word) and Spirit ( God) constituting the one person generically called `God`.   

The Holy Spirit begat Jesus as His body so that `God` is Spirit Soul And Body.   He is Holy Spirit having a Soul and a Body.   His person is identified as and should be addressed as Jesus.   

When we are Born Again, it is by the Wprd and Spirit by the authority of Jesus and in the name of Jesus who performed the work of reconciliation for us.   

A person has to be In Christ by virtue of the indwelling Holy Spirit and the Living Word to be part of the Body Of Christ.   

All who are In Christ have has Holy Spirit in them and they are in His Holy Spirit.   This is oneness.   

All who are In Christ will be busy about their Father`s business.   

It is in the Mind Of Christ that we distinguish the work of Christ and religion.   

Operating in the power and authority of Christ is being a functioning member of the Body Of Christ.   

Unity with and love of other members of the Body Of Christ is evidence of being in the Body Of Christ.   

The Bride Of Christ is the same as the Body Of Christ as marriage is the union such that the two become one.