[ Created: 2020-07-17 08:30:47  Updated: 2020-07-17 08:31:44 Owner: rl ]
Title: To subtly or directly or control something    


References (34) to Manipulate
Manipulate To subtly or directly or control something
2 - Radiometric Dating Unreliable metrics manipulated to support Evolution
5 - Ministry of the Holy Spirit Positive Ministry of the Holy Spirit
7 - Theistic Evolution Did God create the univese by Evolution
1 - Giving Why, When and Where to Give
1 - Power Of Hope Power Of Hope
6 - A Sure Foundation Seed Time Harvest
America- June- 2022 Status update
America Destroyed America has been destroyed.     Will she rise again?
10  Barr Epitaph Bill Barr has resigned
11  BLDM Black Lives Don't Matter
12  Change The Dialogue Change the spirit and subject of the conversation
13  Climate Change Theory An unverifiable boogy man
14  Covert 19 Using COVID-19 to subvert and destroy America
15  Critical Theory How lying can be used to manipulate the masses to effect desired change
16  Deceive To convince another of a Lie
17  DEMO1_05 - The Nature of God The Nature of God
18  Demographic Relating to the structure of populations
19  Election deception Women accuse Trump in the 11th hour
20  Evil That which conflicts with the character of God
21  Exit Strategy A plan to weasel your way out of something you should never have gotten into
22  Hate Mongering Using Hate to manipulate
23  Holy Spirit Baptism Evidence Speaking in Tongues as the Spirit gives utterance
24  Infallible Incapable of making mistakes or being wrong
25  IRS Internal Revenue Service
26  Life Force The miraculous power of the Life of God in all living things
27  Media News, sports, entertainment for public consumption
28  News Newly received or noteworthy information, especially about recent or important events
29  Pandemic Psychology Why the Pandemic works to accomplish its goal
30  Pray For Biden How should we Pray for Joe Biden
31  Statistic A fact or piece of data from a study of a large quantity of numerical data
32  Terrorism The art of using Fear to manipulate and control others
33  Underestimate To under value or under account for something
34  Witchcraft Communication with the Devil or with a familiar spirits