20201102 - President Trump establishes the 1776 Commission
This is a major action by our President which will address the fundamental flaw in our society from which all others proceed.
"My people are destroyed for lack of Knowledge: because you have rejected Knowledge, I Will also reject you, that you shall be no Priest to me: seeing you have forgotten the Law of your God, I Will also forget your Children." - Hos 4:6
This sounds like God is rejecting us and our children. It may appear that God has left our country but it we who have left Him.
"Draw nigh to God, and he Will draw nigh to you. Cleanse your hands, you sinners; and purify your hearts, you double minded." - Jam 4:8
"I Love them that Love me; and those that Seek me early shall find me." - Pro 8:17
Our education system is morally bankrupt. That is not to say there aren't good teachers. But it is what you teach that counts most - not how you teach.
God has given Himself in Christ Jesus for all humanity. We will not come into His Grace until we receive Christ Jesus as Lord and Savior. Don't bother asking Him to violate Himself and His plan. It won't happen.
Tell every person in your life who has not come to a saving knowledge of Christ Jesus that it is 'turn to God' or 'be turned into Hell'.
In case anyone reading this feels that religion has no place in public education, that attitude is the very reason public education should be defunded. Education without the knowledge of God as its foundation only enables a student to dig the hole he is going to fall in faster and deeper.
"For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the Whole World, and Lose his own Soul?" - Mar 8:36
By the Grace and Power of God we will bring an end to the intentional destruction of our young by abortion, child trafficking and atheistic teaching.
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We must get Education at all levels back under the control of Christians.
It makes no sense for a Christian to send their children to a place which will undermine their Faith, their Morals and their Love for America.
It makes no sense for a Heathen to send their child to a public school which will not give them faith in God, a love for America or hope for a future.
I get some push back from teachers about what is being taught in public schools. I don't sit in classrooms so I don't know firsthand. I simply look at the product.
For those teachers who see no problem with the Public Education System I ask the following:
1. Do you teach that there is a God?
2. Do you teach that Jesus Christ is the Son of God?
3. Do you teach that America was founded by Christians?
4. Do you teach that the Constitution is the supreme law of the land?
5. Do you teach that America is all about Freedom and Independence and Responsibility and Accountability?
6. Do you teach about the brave men and women who have fought and died for our Freedom?
7. Do you read passages from the Bible to your students?
8. Do you tell the students that God loves them and has a special plan for their lives?
9. Do you tell them that character and integrity are more important than knowledge?
10. Do you teach the students that every job is honorable?
11. Do you teach the students that laziness is an abomination?
If so, I stand corrected. If not, SPS.