Speaking from the physical perspective:
The only hope for humanity against any strain of bacteria or virus is the production of antibodies.
As long as there is one person on the face of the earth with a virus, it has the potential to spread throughout the world.
Only those people who have antibodies will be immune to it. All others are susceptible - today, tomorrow and a hundred years from now.
This is the inconvenient truth that the 'experts' refuse to acknowledge.
Flattening the curve drags out the HerdImmunity process that has saved humanity in past generations.
Flattening the curve was and is a foolish strategy. Had the virus been allowed to run its course in March, it would be behind us now as has happened with all other viral infections.
Only the weak die from COVID-19 virus. But only the weak die from flu. And only the weak die from any disease.
No one can defeat death through physical tricks.
The government has played on people's weak-mindedness and fear of death to put the entire country in danger of collapse.