Most but not all people enjoy a Clown because it evokes laughter.
Those that do not enjoy Clowns see them as weird and threatening.
I personally enjoy the Clowns who work hard to make people laugh.
I do not enjoy the Clowns who Deceive - those who pretend to be something they are not and expect you to take them seriously.
Such unfunny Clowns have been with us a long time. They typically end up running for Government offices.
We have long made fun of those Clowns and taken them with a grain of salt.
Up until now those Clowns just pumped a lot of hot air and spent taxp-payer money.
But beginning with the Obama administration the Government suddenly turned to doing some very unfunny stuff. That unfunny stuff has not morphed into out and out scary stuff.
While we were asleep at the wheel, the Education department of Government was brainwashing our youth to take Clowns seriously.
This has emboldened the Clowns to believe their own jokes and take them seriously.
No longer are the people the ones laughing - now its the Clowns that are laughing at us.
We are 'deplorable' and unqualified to plan our own lives. We are ignorant and so incompetent of governing ourselves. We need the Elites to plan our future.
So, here we are with people that have never done anything except draw a Government check, spend taxpayer money and blow hot air at each other (Clowns) usurping the power of the people and leading them into Fear, Chaos, Poverty and Bondage.
It is not funny any more. The Clowns must be rounded up and put in jail.
Is everyone in Government a Clown? Well, they have the Clown virus in them. It may not have taken over yet, but given enough time, it will.
How can we identify the Clowns?
- they have made Government a career
- they have a superiority complex
- they resent the Constitution
- they are babblers who avoid absolute truth
- they are annoyed by the rabble
But all the Clowns are not in Government. There are millions of Clowns in the under-fifty group who were created by the Government Education system.
These Clowns may be identified as follows:
- they have worthless college degress
- they do not have jobs
- they live with their parents
- they spend all their time on the Internet
- they have an entitlement attitude
So, how are we going to get rid of the Clowns?
Accountability and Responsibility.
- Hold the Government Clowns personally responsible for the damage they have done to our country.
- Throw the enabled Clowns out on the street and make them fend for themselves.
- Phase out all welfare support
Otherwise, the Clowns will take over everything. And we will die - maybe not laughing - but we will die.