The Fool has said in his Heart, There is no God. They are Corrupt, they have done Abominable works, there is none that does Good. - Psm 14:1
The above Scripture says
- that any person who denies there is a God is a Fool.
- that such a person is Corrupt
- that they commit Abominations
- their works are not Good
So, why would a sane person trust an Atheist? Answer: they wouldn't.
Any person, Christian or not, who trusts a non Christian is behaving foolishly because they are trusting a Fool.
There is no practical difference between a Fool and a a person who acts foolishly.
Be you not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what Fellowship has Righteousness with Unrighteousness? and what Communion has Light with Darkness? - 2Co 6:14
If you believe that it is possible for an Unbeliever and a Believer to really get along then you are foolish. You believe something that is contrary to the Word of God.
Since people have a herd mentality they will follow the masses. We are in a situation where the masses are Fools or foolish.
Only those who allow their Minds to be Transformed to the Mind of Christ will escape foolishness.
What is your decision?