If I am not sick and you are not sick then we cannot infect each other.
The above statement is Wisdom to the wise. It holds no water for the irrationally fearful.
For God has not given us the Spirit of Fear; but of Power, and of Love, and of a sound Mind. - 2Ti 1:7
So, who makes us Fearful? Satan or his minions.
Fear is Bondage. It is Death. It is Darkness.
There is no Fear in Love; but Perfect Love casts out Fear: because Fear has torment. He that fears is not made Perfect in Love. - 1Jn 4:18
Christ Jesus came to set us Free. Free from Fear is fundamental to being in Christ.
So, if you are Fearful or allowing yourself to be controlled by the Fearful you are not in Christ.
I did not say you are not a Believer in the person of Christ. I am saying you do not Believe His Words and therefore you are not in Him.
You need to stop listening to 'experts'. You need to start listening to God through His Word and His HolySpirit.
If the Son therefore shall make you Free, you shall be Free indeed. - Joh 8:36
If you are not FreeIndeed you are still in Need.