It is time to end Government funded and controlled Education.
The Fool has said in his Heart, There is no God. They are Corrupt, they have done Abominable works, there is none that does Good. - Psm 14:1
Essentially, the Supreme Court and those who supported its decision to remove Prayer and Bible reading from Public Education were certified Fools.
Now, I know there are arguments to justify their decision but all of those arguments can only be made by Fools - people who do not really Believe in God.
You say "wait a minute - that is not true". There were many Christians in agreement with the decision.
Well, let's look at this logically.
The above verse says that a person who does not believe in God is a Fool. So, shouldn't a Christian be concerned about others being Fools?
I tell you, No: but, except you Repent, you shall all likewise Perish. - Luk 13:3
The above verse says that those who do not Repent will Perish. Shouldn't a Christian be concerned about others perishing?
He says unto him the third Time, Simon, Son of Jonas, love you me? Peter was grieved because he said unto him the third Time, Love you me? And he said unto him, Lord, you know all things; you know that I Love you. Jesus says unto him, Feed my Sheep. - Joh 21:17
In the above verse Jesus is saying that the proof that you love Him is if you feed His sheep. The 'feed' that Jesus is talking about is the Gospel as indicated below:
And he said unto them, Go you into all the World, and Preach the Gospel to every Creature. - Mar 16:15
So, it appears to me that a person who allows others to be Fools, to Perish and to never hear the Gospel is completely out of step with Christ Jesus who they claim to believe in.
Then said Jesus to those Jews which Believed on him, If you continue in my Word, then are you my Disciples indeed; - Joh 8:31
So, to be a Disciple you must continue in Christ's Words.
I can only conclude that those Christians who went along with the Supreme Court decision were acting like Fools.
And so, we allowed an Atheistic Education system to evolve and destroy the Spiritual fabric of our country.
It is time to take Education back under the auspices of the Church so that we can be Healed and know Peace and know Freedom.