    [ Created: 2020-06-28 14:30:57  Updated: 2020-06-30 18:29:59   Owner: rl ]
Title: The Freedom that only Christ can give    

If the Son therefore shall make you Free, you shall be Free indeed. - Joh 8:36

"Free" means liberated, unfettered.

"Indeed" means "in deed". "Deed" means action.

FreeIndeed means unfettered in everything in life.

Are you restricted in what you say and do in any way?
- Are you PoliticallyCorrect?
- Are you bound by convention.
- Do you do only what is expected?
- Do other people's opinions determine yours?

If your answer to any of the above questions is "yes" you are not FreeIndeed. You have not allowed the Son to set you Free.

You cannot have the Mind of Christ unless you have allowed the Son to make you FreeIndeed.

The MindOfChrist is in sync with the HolySpirit and the Word because it is the Mind of the HolySpirit that inspired the Word.

Once a person determines that they will only be influenced by the HolySpirit and the Word they are FreeIndeed.

As long as other influences affect our throughts, opinions, words and actions we are not FreeIndeed.

God only wants the best for us. He wants us to excel but we can only do so through Christ who strengthens us.

So, yield yourself to the HolySpirit and absorb the Word into your Heart. Allow your mind to be renewed, to be Transformed into the MindOfChrist.

You will be FreeIndeed and so enabled to set those who are Captive Free.