[ Created: 2020-06-27 09:58:17  Updated: 2020-07-11 10:39:48 Owner: rl ]
Title: The protector of the Constitution    



There should be no more lawyers on the Supreme Court.   

Lawyers are unfit because they were educated in Liberal universities.   They have been corrupted by that experience.   

Liberal universities hate the Constitution.   

The Supreme Court should keep its focus on the Constitution and not involve itself in Political and Social issues.   

The Supreme Court is not to make moral judgments - only Constitutionally legal judgments.   

The Constitution is very clear.   It does not need interpretation.   It only needs implementation.   

Businessmen are oriented toward a single goal - the success of the business - and therefore have better skills suited for implementing the obvious intent of the Constitution.   

No more lawyers on benches.   They have messed things up long enough.   

Where did the current justices go to school?   

Roberts - Harvard
Ginsburg - Harvard
Kagan - Harvard
Gorsuch - Harvard
Sotomayor - Harvard
Gorsuch - Harvard
Kavenaugh - Yale
Thomas - Yale
Alito - Yale

Does this not look like inbreeding?   

Why do they call universities "alma mater"?   Because they exert a great influence on the graduates lives.   

We all know that there is networking among people from the same background.   

There is also a peer group in that relationship.   

So, inbreeding is just what we have.   

Despite the individual`s desire to be an independent thinker, their oeer group draws them to the center.   

We wouldn`t appoint all the justices from the same state.   Neither should we appoint them from the same universities.   

P.S.   There is no material difference in the philosophies of Yale and Harvard any more than there is between Duke and UNC.   THey are all Liberal universities.