When the term `World` is used in Scripture it is important to understand that there are two distinct references being made:
1. World as the Physical planet - the centerpiece of the Physical Universe - the Earth.
2. World as the Secular Humanist System whose character, outlook and actions are Wickedness.
God created the Physical World and declared that it was Good.
God gave Dominion over the World to man.
The Blessings upon Abraham were Physical Blessings as well as Spiritual Blessings.
The Blessings upon Israel were both Physical and Spiritual.
Jesus pronounced a Spiritual and Physical Blessing upon those who prioritize their lives.
Even those in service to God are to be blessed Physically and Spiritually.
In general, the Blessings of God tend toward Life, Health and Wealth each of which has a Spiritual and Physical component.
So, the World ( Earth) that God created is Good and is intended to be a Blessing to mankind.
But, the World that Satan has constructed through the deceitfulness of Sin is an Abomination to God. It is a World which denies God and does everything possible to thwart His Will.
That World will be destroyed at the Return of the King in the Day Of Wrath.
It is Satan`s Secular Humanist World that we should avoid at all costs.
The World of God`s Creation is given to those who Love Him for their enjoyment. We actually Inherit the Earth.
So, do not alow Satan to cause you to `throw the baby out with the bath water`. The World that God created is still Good. It is Wonderful. It is a gift from God to us, His Children.
Throw out the Satanic World View which denies God and corrupts Humanity. That is the World that will be destroyed.