From June 11 to June 25 I drove from Benson to Bozeman - 2200 miles each way - stopping at service stations, fast-food and sit-down restaurants as well as staying in nice and not-so-nice hotels.
I interacted with a variety of people along the way, about 25% wearing masks and 75% not (I did not).
I saw people acting weird (masked and stiff) and I saw people living life as they should.
Both the fearful and the fearless people live in the same world but their outlook and practices are universes apart. Very simply: one group imagines death and the other imagines life.
For as he thinks in his Heart, so is he. -
Folks, you can believe what you want. But the COVID-19 Pandemic is the most amazing Lie concocted by the Devil so far.
Yes it tops the 'theory' of Evolution, and it tops Climate Change Theory and it tops the bottomless pit called Socialism.
In what way is it the mac-daddy of all Lies?
Look at the speed at which people fell into Fear and gave up Constitution Rights.
Look at the way it brought the U.S. Economy to its knees.
Look at how every country on the planet has changed the way it does business.
Look how it 'empowered' politicians to rule heavy-handedly over the people whom they work for.
Look at the cloud that hangs over us with no clear vision of when it will be lifted.
Folks, Satan knocked one out of the park on us and he is still rounding the bases - in no hurry to get to home plate as he watches the fallout with glee.
Will we wake up or sleep the sleep of death?
Jesus is Light and Truth. No one will find either one outside of Him.
Did you know it is possible to believe in Jesus and yet reject Him at the same time? How so? You believe a story about Jesus but ignore or reject His Words.
Then said Jesus to those Jews which Believed on him, If ye continue in my Word, then are ye my Disciples indeed; -
You have to 'continue' in His Word. This means you take it to Heart and consider it to be Truth that changes how you see everything.
Sanctify them through thy Truth: thy Word is Truth. -
Even Christians today believe politicians, news personalities, doctors, statisticians, and the Three Stooges sooner than they would believe the Word of God. The above verse says it is the Word that 'sanctifies' us - makes us acceptable.
We must believe that Christ Jesus is Lord and King and Saviour and Truth and Light and Healer - and we must Believe His Words !
God forbid: yea, let God be True, but every man a Liar; as it is written, That thou mightest be Justified in thy Sayings, and mightest Overcome when thou art judged. -
And Jesus answered him, saying, It is written, That man shall not Live by Bread alone, but by every Word of God. -
Believing the Incarnate Word without believing the written Word makes no real sense because God honors His Word above His name so you must too.
When we begin to Believe the Word of God, we must proclaim that Christ Jesus is Lord and King and Saviour and Truth and Light and Healer to every creature.
That is the only Hope for America and the World.