    [ Created: 2020-06-21 09:20:48  Updated: 2020-06-21 10:45:09   Owner: rl ]
Title: Attempting the impossible    

Cats are notoriously independent, moody and self-absorbed.

Cats have no sense of community. They have no motivation to fit in or become a part of something bigger than themselves.

Cats cannot be herded because of their fundamental nature.

Human beings apart from God are like cats. The SinNature that is in them causes them to be independent, moody and self-absorbed.

So, God provided the NewBirth through Christ Jesus so that we may become new Spirit beings with a NewNature and the ability to suppress the SinNature.

In the NewBirth we become One with God through His Spirit and are able to operate in Unity.

Outside the NewBirth we can only temporarily work together in some sense of unity before the selfishness manifests and disunity follows.

American was not meant for cats. It was meant for those who have been BornAgain. The DisUnity we are seeing today is very 'natural' in that it is a manifestation of the spirit of cat which is in every Human that is not BornAgain.

Unity and the ability to work together (be herded) will only happen when those who have the spirit of cat receive the Spirit of God.