God created man to need Him.
There is a void inside every human which aught to be filled with the Holy Spirit.
But the Lord created man with Self Will - the ability to choose.
Self Will enables a person to fill the void in their lives with the knowledge of God or to fill it with something else.
If the something else happens to be a demon then the person experiences Demon Possession.
A person experiencing Demon Possession cannot help themselves. They have ceded their Self Will to the will of the demon.
Only a Spirit Filled person with the knowledge of God can deliver a person in Demon Possession.
They must determine whether it is the individual or the demon who is talking. If it is the individual then they must get authority from the individual to cast the demon out. With the individual's permission or if it is the demon who is talking, they command the demon to leave in the name of Jesus.
Because of the breakdown in our society and the removal of God from the Seven Mountains of Influence, there is an upswing in the cases of Demon Possession.
People who are not in touch with the Holy Spirit and the Word of God do not know how to react to these 'people' and so give ground to the forces of Satan operating through them.
We see Satan at work through people at all levels of our Society today. Many of these people have Reprobate Minds while many others are victims of Demon Possession.
The healing of our land will only happen by the elimination of the enemy through the power of the Holy Spirit and the Word of God.
May our eyes be opened to the Truth so we can see and be converted.