    [ Created: 2020-06-18 17:10:35  Updated: 2020-06-18 19:54:08   Owner: rl ]
Title: To strip of legal standing    

One of the purposes of PoliticalCorrectness is to Delegitimize individuals and causes which are in conflict with the goal of Fascism.

We have seen people lose their jobs and careers for making statements in violation of PoliticalCorrectness standards. As this has been successfully done without public outcry it has emboldened the Fascists to extend the boundaries of the PoliticalCorrectness field.

We see History books being written to Delegitimize our FoundingFathers and other historical characters who led to the discovery and founding of America.

We have seen the attempts by the Fascists to Delegitimize the American Flag and National Anthem.

The Fascists have included Trump, Fox News, Christianity and LawEnforcement as targets of PoliticalCorrectness to Delegitimize them.

Trump was called an illegal president from the start. He was accused of being a Russian agent. He was investigated falsely. He was impeached falsely. And all this in order to Delegitimize his presedency.

Fox News has been attacked by the Fascists for presenting alternative storylines to those of the other networks who have become the Propaganda outlets for the Fascists. The purspose of the attacks is to Delegitimize them.

Christianity has been attacked as a group of Bigots, Racists and Misogynists by the Fascists in order to Delegitimize them.

Now we see LawEnforcement under heavy attack with plans by some cities to defund the police departments, governors failing to use the National Guard and our Military being discredited in order to Delegitimize LawEnforcement.

We see Corporations being attack for Racist connections such as "Aunt Jemima" and "Uncle Ben". If the Corporations do not conform the Fascists will Delegitimize them.

We see a movement to Delegitimize monuments and buildings some of which have already been torn down and destroyed.

We have seen the attempts to Delegitimize the Constitution by attacks on the BillOfRights.

So what is the goal of the Fascism in the U.S.?     Socialism
To destroy traditional, Constitutional America and replace it with Communism.

What is the next target for the Socialist Fascists?     You