    [ Created: 2020-06-16 17:50:27  Updated: 2021-06-11 17:58:58   Owner: rl ]
Title: How lying can be used to manipulate the masses to effect desired change    

CriticalTheory is a satanically inspired theory of how critical thinking can be used to change Society.

It assumes there is no absolute Truth. Further, it determines that Society must be shaped by those who "know better".

As such, it is a tool of the Marxist, Socialist, Communist proponents for manipulating the masses.

We see CriticalTheory being used as I write this in our society. It was used to generate mass Fear of the COVID-19 virus. Once the Fear was established, it used the Fear to change Social behavior, Economic policy and Government roles.

It is important to understand that the principle assumption of "no absolute Truth" enable the practitioner of CriticalTheory to use Lies as a way of shaping and controlling Society.

Any person, organization, country or philosophy that condones Lying as a legitimate tool for accomplishing its ends is categorically satanic.

CriticalTheory is an idea hatched from hell to divide people and motivate those not in control to villainize those in control for the purpose of overthrowing those in control so that those not in control gain control over those who used to be in control.