Since we are all born with a SinNature as a result of the fall in Eden, we are born Lost.
Lost means that we don't know where we are going. Most people who never Receive Christ Jesus as Saviour remain Lost and just live out their lives based on their Culture.
However, when a Lost person chooses to reject the Revelation of God through Christ Jesus they are in effect receiving the spirit of Satan as the foundation and moral guide for their lives. They become a ChildOfSatan.
The term ReprobateMind is often used to describe people who have aligned themselves against God. A ChildOfSatan is a person with a RepobateMind.
So, when dealing with any person you should recognize there are 3 possibilities:
1. they are a ChildOfGod
2. they are a Lost individual
3. they are a ChildOfSatan
Once you identify which type they are you can then minister to them appropriately.
You minister to a ChildOfGod through the Word and HolySpirit unto edification
You minister to the Lost with the Testimony of Jesus Christ - the Gospel - to bring them into Fellowship with God through the NewBirth.
You minister to the ChildOfSatan with Power and Authority to shut them down. It is possible for them to humble themselves in the Rebuke and be Saved. However, because they have set themselves against God they must be shut down.
Ignorance of the type of person you are dealing with will result in you being ineffective in your ministry.
Too many Christians do not recognize the value of agreement on the fundamentals of Christianity and so castigate fellow Christians. This must stop.
Too many of the Lost are allowed to stay Lost with no Christian willing to confront their Spiritual problem. This must stop.
Too many Christians are afraid of a ChildOfSatan and so avoid contact with them. This must stop.
And I Say also unto thee, That thou art Peter, and upon this Rock I Will build my Church; and the gates of Hell shall not prevail against it. - Mat 16:18
The Church is supposed to come against the "gates of hell" so as to knock them down and allow the captives inside to be set Free.
The Church is the Body of Christ. It is all Believers. We are all commissioned to come against the "gates of hell".
Do not Fear the ChildOfSatan. Their master has been defeated.
He that commits Sin is of the Devil; for the Devil sinned from the beginning. For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that he might Destroy the works of the Devil. - 1Jn 3:8
As a ChildOfGod you have the Power, Authority and Responsibility to Destory the works of the Devil through the Power of Christ in you.
The Lost and the ChildOfSatan are waiting for you to deliver Light and Salt.