    [ Created: 2020-06-14 14:21:46  Updated: 2020-06-14 14:26:40   Owner: rl ]
Title: The song a country uses to unify its people    

All the kneeling is just plain old un-American, Socialist DisUnity to destroy the fabric of our country.

Do not try to appease the Enemy. They are never satisfied. You defeat the Enemy by making them pay for their error.

Any un-American attitude should be rewarded with the person being black-balled. That is old school and it still works.

We have become a country of enablers and that is our problem. No attitude adjustments are administered. People make dumb, selfish mistakes and we bail them out.

"The wages of sin is death". We are trying to defy this Spiritual Law and it won't work.

We have way too many people in this country who do not deserve this country. Our country is a gift from God and it has been defended by the blood of real Americans.

Socialists are not real Americans. They are leeches, parasites who are hell-bent on destroying the gifts of God.

This is a Spiritual battle between God and Satan. Those who deny God and fight against His laws are the enemies of God. They need to be converted, not appeased.

Not all Germans were genocidal racists during WWII. However, they went along with the Enemy.
In the same vein, I am not accusing all Socialists with intentionally siding with Satan. However, they have been duped into aiding and abetting him.